coming. A few years back we decided to ‘obey’ nature and hunker down, sit by
the fire and take a 2 week holiday at mid -winter. This was in response to
getting sick every winter, dragging ourselves through the days, feeling
lethargic. One day we realized it wasn’t some moral turpitude and laziness that
caused the yearly malaise; it was winter and we were connected to it. Winter is
a good time to do inside things. It gives time to reflect; to become conscious.
You can gather quite a lot of energy over winter, and by the time spring comes
you are ready to move. In our ancestral selves this would have meant prepare
gardens etc.
I do
remember those years when we slowed everything down; we didn’t get sick or
depressed. We sat by the fire, played games,read books, went for walks.
Our society
makes no mention of winter in the psychological/spiritual/physiological sense. Inside us, we are
connected to this world. That’s why we slow down in winter, it’s why we don’t want
to get up in the mornings. If we ‘obey’ nature-ie stop the pretence that we are
above it and take a Coldral and soldier on.
If only our work practices allowed for this we
would make massive savings nationally.Even if we all took a holiday for 2 weeks
there would be no noticeable effect on GDP and productivity. There would be
less colds and flu which attach themselves to a weakened host. In fact there
could be a rise in every health indicator as people would feel better having
rested with family or in nature, travelling and so on. I propose calling this time of year
It will
become a cultural habit like siesta-it works when everyone does it.