Friday, 1 May 2020

Turning and turning

In an email Dave asks me and Two Others
would I write a poem;
One that has influenced me,
and pass it on
But I don’t remember any and I’m
a bit embarrassed,
picture myself being told by my family that I only like my own art
But there Keats was,
turning and turning in a widening gyre
the falcon cannot hear the falconer
Which I thought a vivid thing
That’s when Brother Arnold
Killed my love of poetry by
making us analyse it for exams
when I just wanted to write it

And then I’m out on the road
thinking of my friends
saying nothing much has changed
for them
and I thought that’s not true I’ve never seen you on this piece of road
and you don’t normally spend time with your kids

I didn’t get to pass on the poem to Two Others
I understand his intention was to uplift us at this time
On wings and airs
No longer hearing the falconer’s cries
Remembering the wilds, feeling space